
How To Make Spaces Between Words Smaller In Word

You can change the spacing between characters of text for selected text or for particular characters. In addition, yous can stretch or compress an unabridged paragraph to make it fit and look the way that y'all want it to.

Modify the spacing between characters

Selecting Expanded or Condensed alters the spacing between all selected letters past the aforementioned amount. Kerning alters the spacing between particular pairs of letters - in some cases reducing and in other cases expanding the space depending upon the letters.

Expand or condense the space evenly betwixt all the selected characters

  1. Select the text that you want to modify.

  2. On the Abode tab, click the Font Dialog Box Launcher, and then click the Advanced tab.

    Font Dialog Box Launcher

    Notation:If you lot're using Word 2007 the tab is called Character Spacing.

  3. In the Spacing box, click Expanded or Condensed, and then specify how much space you desire in the Past box.

    Use the font dialog to specify whether your character spacing should be expanded or compressed

Kern the characters that are above a particular size

Kerning refers to the way spacing betwixt 2 specific characters is adapted. The idea is to give a better looking event by reducing the spacing between characters that fit together nicely (such every bit "A" and "Five") and increasing the spacing between characters that don't.

  1. Select the text that yous want to change.

  2. On the Home tab, click the Font Dialog Box Launcher, and then click the Advanced tab.

    Font Dialog Box Launcher

    Notation:If yous're using Word 2007 the tab is called Grapheme Spacing.

  3. Select the Kerning for fonts bank check box, and and so enter the point size in the Points and in a higher place box.

    Allow Word to set kerning between characters that are of a certain font size or larger

Stretch or scale the text horizontally

When you calibration the text, yous change the shapes of the characters by percentages. You lot can calibration text past stretching information technology or by compressing information technology.

  1. Select the text that you want to stretch or compress.

  2. On the Home tab, click the Font Dialog Box Launcher, and and so click the Advanced tab.

    Font Dialog Box Launcher

    Note:If y'all're using Word 2007 the tab is chosen Character Spacing.

  3. In the Scale box, enter the percentage that yous want.

    Percentages above 100 percentage stretch the text. Percentages below 100 per centum compress the text.

Modify the line spacing

To increase or decrease the amount of vertical space betwixt lines of text inside a paragraph, the all-time method is to change the fashion the paragraph uses.

  1. Find the manner y'all're using in the Styles gallery on the Abode tab.

  2. Correct-click the way you want to change and select Modify.

    Right-click the Caption style in the Styles gallery to modify the formatting of your captions.
  3. Virtually the middle of the dialog box you lot'll find the line spacing buttons that let you select unmarried, 1.5x or double spaced. Choose the spacing you desire to utilize and click OK.

    Modify the line spacing options in your style to adjust vertical spacing in Word.

If you lot'd like to utilize more specific line spacing to the style, clickthe Format button at the bottom left corner of the Alter Style dialog box and select Paragraph. The Line spacing drop-down lets you select or set more than specific line spacing.

Use the Paragraph dialog box to set more specific spacing between lines of text

For more information on modifying styles in Word, see: Customize styles in Give-and-take.

Run into likewise

  • Using Styles in Discussion - a free, 10-minute video training grade.

  • Change the font size

  • Set page margins

  • Marshal text left or right, middle text, or justify text on a page

  • Change the line spacing in Word

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