
How to start the Nioh 2 Darkness in the Capital DLC

Figuring out how to admission the Nioh ii Darkness in the Capital letter DLC is the first matter you'll need to effigy out once y'all download the expansion. Some games are different later all. Then how exercise y'all get-go the expansion and where do y'all go?

How to start the Nioh 2 Darkness in the Majuscule DLC

Showtime, you volition have to take beaten the core entrada for Nioh 2. This is exactly like the terminal DLC, Tengu's Disciple. Second, y'all will have to have downloaded the 1.17 update, which y'all can read more about here.

How to start the Nioh 2 Darkness in the Capital DLC

Now, after you have done both of those steps, you will be greeted with the following prompt when you load into your salve. Once you load in, yous volition run into a pop-up that says "A new region is now available. You lot tin can access it from the country map." Confirm that message and then printing Foursquare to bring upwardly the map. If yous get no pop-ups, you may have to progress further in the game. You don't have to have beat Tengu's Disciple either since that would lock out those who only bought Darkness in the Capital.

How to start the Nioh 2 Darkness in the Capital DLC

After that, go to the list of areas by pressing Foursquare. You volition run into an boosted area called "Darkness in the Capital letter" at the bottom with a yellow assertion mark near information technology. Go over to information technology and press the X button.

How to start the Nioh 2 Darkness in the Capital DLC

Once you practise that, you will be greeted to a brusque cutscene. Afterward that cutscene, you will see a mission called "Suzune in the Flames" and you tin can finally dive correct in. It has a level of 130, which yous should be equipped for. If you're a little weak or just direct up rusty, feel free to become back and grind a chip to get back into the swing of things. Nioh two is non a game you want to be going into common cold.

To epitomize, hither's how to access the Nioh 2 Darkness in the Capital DLC:

  • Beat the entrada
  • Go to the list of regions
  • Selection the "Darkness in the Capital" region at the lesser
  • Go first the "Suzune in the Flames" mission


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